Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ingen yttrandfrihet på SVD

Inlägget som SVD censurerade

Pseudovetenskap sprids okritiskt 

Vilka enorma rädslor människor visar inför människans egna inre förmågor. Det gör även avdelningen för parapsykologi, det finns inga parapsykologiska fenomen, allting är naturligt.

Ljuset borde snaras kastas över undertecknade som utesluter metavetenskapen och som kokar ner verkligheten i små mätbara beståndsdelar för att sedan få dessa små mätbara beståndsdelar att framstå hela verkligheten.

Det är sådana som undertecknade som begränsar utvecklingen genom att göra sig till talesmän för en enda sanning. Sedan har vi politikers och allmänhetens tilltro till dessa sanningar, sanningar som formar vårt kollektivt undermedvetna, som vi sedan kommunicerar som sanningar utan att det kritiskt granskas. Vi får den verklighet vi tror på, många trodde på en pandemi några fick narkolepsi.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


A 14 year old girl get shot in the head in Pakistan by a Taliban because she have stood up for the right to education (total unacceptably). But why? I believe there is lot of reasons, education are dangerous to those don't have any education, specially now when the world is overflow with information. In this world the Taliban's must feel their existence are threaten. When the existence are threaten, people gather against an external enemy and their self-preservation is so strong that it adopts fundamentalist expressions to survive. Then there are always well-educated people who can exploit the situation for their own agenda, what ever it is.

I saw the debate Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney about US forigen politic and of a coincedance I changed over to another program, I think it was Ted-talks. It was about the worlds population, relgion and soscial wellfear. They showed by statistic how religion and social wellfear are strongly related to each other and that has nothing to do if a country are rich or not. It pinpointed that higher the social welfare (social and medical) are developed in a country, the less there are strong religious associations and/or fanatic religious groups.

But if we read the statistics backwards, the countries that have strong religious associations and/or dominates of religious fanatics, have a poor social wellfear. When they showed the statistic of the social wellfear of western world, (USA, Canada, Europe and Russia), the statistic showed that France and the Scandinavian countries was in top and that the USA was ranked in the bottom.

Trends is that religious values ​​penetrate and get an increasing influence in politics as both displace and destabilize democracy. It's look like the 14 year old girl who almost loss her life could be a symbol for all peoples right. Don't forget her, whenever and whereever you vote.

Monday, October 22, 2012

What is the matter with people?

Previously, they were interned in camps


Now the intern themselves


What is the matter with people? 

Friday, October 5, 2012

5 civilians killed in Turkey by Syrian grenade attack!

For months, violence has escalated in Syria, while the whole world are just looking because of Russia's and China's veto in the UN Security Council. Could it be that Russia and China's intransigence contributed to bombardment of civilians in Turkey from Syria as a pretext for NATO and its allies to bypass the blockade in the UN Security Council?